Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Cookie Craziness

I've been sick as a dog -- second head cold in less than a month. It's been so bad I've gone through three big boxes of Puffs Plus in a week. Needless to say, I am way behind schedule with my Christmas preparations.

I am on my last batch of cookies to give away -- Linzer Hearts from The Silver Palate Cookbook -- and then I will finish packing them up and mailing them out. My next job: wrapping the presents -- and blowing my nose again!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Love Where I Live

I am on the ferry, heading up to Connecticut to pick up Barb. We're going up to Dorr Mill Store in New Hampshire. I am sort of regretting that I have to be in the car all day. We've had a streak of fabulous sunny weather here on the East End and I would like to enjoy it while it lasts.

Anyway, I will come the with a carload of linen and wool and will start work on my new patterns for 2012.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekend in Brooklyn -- or -- Cairo Goes to the Big City

We spent Saturday moving Clara to a new apartment -- on the same floor of the same building, thank goodness. It is a studio, her first apartment just for her -- no roommates!

Cairo came with us and was a nudge the entire time. Clara lives in a fourth floor walk up, so there are a lot of stairs when it is time to go out. He was so distraught about being out of his element that he couldn't manage to do what he was supposed to. He is definitely a country dog.  He was not too pleased when the subway roared by over our heads while we walked under the Manhattan Bridge.

I was strolling the streets of Brooklyn late at night and early in the morning, trying to get him to go. It was actually quite beautiful by the East River and our walk at 6:30 this morning lasted well over an hour.  We watched the sun come up and stopped for bagels to bring home.

Sorry for the picture quality -- I took them all on my iPhone and posted via Bloggers iPhone app.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Forum -- and Everything Else We Saw

A panoramic pasted together by my daughter the photographer.
I wish I could make this bigger, it is truly amazing.

We are home and getting back in the swing of things.  I loved Rome, but was happy to walk the beach with my little dog on Wednesday morning, and to sleep in my own bed.  I brought home a nasty head cold and I am still waking up before 5 every morning, so I am pretty tired by dinner time.  Am thinking about dressing the house and yard up for Christmas.

A few pics of our trip --
How we started each day . . .  yummy cappucino

The Vatican

The restoration room

St. Peter's -- I love those Mediterranean pines

Bernini's Colonnade
The Pantheon

Clara Attacking a Roman Soldier (for a price, of course)

Campo de Fiori

 The Coliseum

 Every square foot of floor in the Vatican is a work of art . . .  and inspiration for a rug, perhaps?

 The entry of the 5-Star Hotel de Russie, where we had tea

Friday, November 25, 2011

Remarkable Roma

We ate pasta for Thanksgiving dinner -- in Rome! We spent the day touring the Vatican -- breathtaking art every step of the way. The Sistine Chapel -- heart stopping. St. Peter's -- so over the top I was stunned into silence. My first sighting of the Coliseum brought tears to my eyes. Too many superlatives? I can't find enough . . . I am incredibly grateful to be here with my family and friends, even though my feet hurt.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

See You Next Week

We  are off on another adventure, so I am wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving now.  I'll report in when I can . . . . 

Don't know where I found this picture, but isn't it a great rug?

Happy Thanksgiving One and All!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My First Teddy Bear

Here's my first handmade teddy bear -- stitched from a kit called "T" is for Teddy by Indigo Junction, designed by Lori Baker.  I have always admired Lori's bears (her last name is now Corelis and you visit her here: The Spotted Hare) and have always wanted to work with mohair. So this kit, which I bought on eBay, was the perfect way for me to experiment.

I think he's pretty cute, although his head my be a tad small for his body.  He's a bit floppy, too -- I had a hard time with the cotter pins when working on the joints.  I have two more kits to practice on -- a smaller 5 inch bear and a 5 inch bunny. Then I am going to try to design one of my own . . .   Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Past Country Parlor Shows

Here's some eye candy to entice you to attend the 20th Annual Country Parlor Holiday Home Show, November 25, 26,and 27, 2011 at the historic Naugles barn at Hallockville Museum Farm.