Sunday, December 30, 2007

An Appropriate Christmas Gift . . .

I am -- quite obviously -- fond of antique paisleys. My sister Barb found a lovely piece of paisley on ebay just before Christmas and look what she made out of it -- for me!

I love his carefully needle felted face and his little lantern with real glass and his beard (fleece from her friend Martha's sheep) not to mention the exquisite piece of paisley. I may have to keep him out all year long . . . Now if only I can get my studio clean enough to find a spot for him . . .


  1. Oh my gosh! That is absolutely lovely!!! If you love paisley then you MUST make sure and take a rug hooking class with Anita White.

  2. What a wonderful paisley Saint Nick/Santa! Barb, you're the best and Sarah you're a lucky sister, indeed! Congratulations on your seamless transition to Blogger!

  3. Barb is a wonderful artist and an even more wonderful sister! Lucky you Sarah!
