Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History is Made . . .

It's just after 11 pm here in New York. I was going to go to bed early -- didn't think I could stand to watch the election returns. . . But I got pulled in -- and I'm glad I did. Times Square looks like it does on New Years Eve. . . Jesse Jackson is in tears. . . My daughter won't be moving to Canada . . .

Seriously, though. Barack Obama's election is a remarkable event. The only thing that can top it is a woman in the White House. That's next.


  1. LOL I was going to be researching real estate in Canada as well if things didn't go so great tonight! I'm just ecstatic!!! Woooohoooo!

  2. Another Obama fan who is ecstatic as well! I thought his speech was awesome....still about our country, not about himself. A lesson we can all learn from and be inspired by.

  3. Not Times Square -- Grant Park in Chicago, IL!

  4. Yes, Time's Square -- and the Apollo Theater in Harlem, Greenpoint in Brooklyn, San Francisco, Ebenezer Church in Georgia -- Obama may have been in Grant Park, but the celebrations were everywhere!
