Friday, January 16, 2009

Vicks Revisited -- Yet Again

Pete and I were watching a show about the history of comedy in America on PBS the other night. They had a section about nerds and showed a Saturday Night Live skit with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner. They were sitting on a couch, skinny Gilda with her over-sized spectacles, rigid as a board, and a very young and handsome Bill Murray is nuzzling up to her and asks her what fragrance she's wearing. The answer -- of course -- Vick's Vaporub! Too funny.

On another note, I have to add my voice to the millions exclaiming over the remarkable emergency landing of the US Air plane landing in the frigid Hudson River yesterday. What a feat and what an amazing sight to see the plane floating with all those people on the wings, the ferries coming to the rescue so quickly and everyone survived without major physical injuries! Kudos to the pilot and all the rescuers.

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