Sunday, September 20, 2009

18th Annual Greenport Maritime Festival

We had a glorious September weekend out here on the East End. Pete and I spent it puttering around the house (there's still so much to do even though the actual renovation is over) and at our village's annual Maritime Festival. Yesterday, the 106th Rescue Wing of the New York National Guard did a fly over of the harbor. They usually do a rescue with a helicopter and frogmen that is really quite amazing to watch, but they either didn't do it this year or I missed it.

Today we walked to town at noon to see the whale boat races and Pete was drafted to row in one of the boats. That's him in the red shirt and straw hat. Turns out he and his mate won first place in the mens division and we came home with a bottle of white wine!

Then we strolled down Front Street, looked at all the ice boats on display and came home for lunch. Another wonderful weekend in Greenport!

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