Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tumbleweed Tuesday

Tumbleweed Tuesday, Tumbleweed Tuesday . . . the words roll off my tongue as the tourists roll out of town. When you live in a tourist destination, you look forward to the day the season ends, so you can park at the post office and the grocery store, or walk your dog on the beach absolutely alone, or cross in the crosswalks without fear of being run over. That's not to say that crowds aren't fun sometimes. Pete and I both spent a large part of the holiday weekend working -- he on appraisals and me on refinishing our sideboard (more on that tomorrow). But we took time to have fun, too.

We had dinner with Paula and Ann on Friday: delicious skordalia from The Hellenic and a game of Scrabble that Pete won by more than 100 points -- no mean feat for my spelling-challenged husband.

Sunday we had dinner at The Frisky Oyster Bar, Greenport's newest restaurant, which the New York Times rated Very Good. We aren't eating a lot of beef at home these days, and I was craving a burger. It was made with Kobe beef and perfectly cooked. We sat outside and watched the world go by as we our drank lemon mint mojitos. Time was when we recognized everyone on Front Street . . . not anymore. Greenport is a happening place these days. The only person we recognized for the two and a half hours we sat there (the service was a little slow) was Pete's barber.

Monday brought more work, but that evening we finally saw Julie and Julia. It was fun, though not my favorite movie ever. Meryl Streep is an amazing actress and I think it made Pete more interested in cooking. We came home, got out my copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking and looked up the directions for boning duck. . . a little too much work even for me.

So it is back to work today. I've got lots of chores to do and the fall shows are fast approaching.

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