Monday, November 2, 2009

You Know You're Procrastinating When . . .

. . . you spend an hour trying to unroll the thread and wool caught in the wheels of your desk chair.

. . . you spend another hour cleaning the felted wool out from under the keys of your laptop -- and then try to figure out how to use it in your hooking.

. . . you spend an hour taking pictures of your dog because your blog readers think he's cute.

. . . you blog about how bad a procrastinator you are believing people will think its funny.


  1. LOL! I can relate Sarah!
    I need to be working on my TEA offerings and what am I doing?
    I'm reading a blog post about procrastinating! ;)

  2. So funny! If I could illustrate I'd turn your 'cautionary tale' into a childrens book!

    Thanks for the chuckle.
