Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow Day!

The snow finally arrived in full force.  By 11 pm the snow was so deep on the back porch that Cairo struggled to get out and about.  This morning Pete had to shovel a path for him.  We have all been up and out in the snow since before 6.  What fun to have a snow day!

Our House

Seth & Valerie's House

Bittersweet by the Front Door


  1. I love seeing your excitement over the snow....even talking about being up at 6am....I know exactly the feeling you are talking about....makes you feel like a little kid again doesn't it!

  2. Are there any butterballs left from yesterday?

  3. Everything is so pretty and white! Merry Christmas, Sarah.....wishing you and your family a wonderful day of joy and blessings.
