Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In the New Year

I've made a few resolutions, both personal and professional.  We'll see how good I am at keeping them!

Professionally:  I need to be more consistent with designing new rug and needle punch patterns.  I'm aiming for two per season.  Eight designs a year is not too bad to deal with . . . My biggest problem is designing for a season or holiday many months before it occurs . . .  I tend to design for winter in winter or autumn in autum . . . So I'll be working on working ahead, if that makes any sense . . . .

I am also going to pay more attention to my internet presence.  The house renovation took nearly all my time last year, and was enormously stressful.  Now that it's over, I'm making a commitment to work a set number of hours each day.  I'll be beefing up my etsy shop and listing more supplies on eBay.

I've hired my daughter to design a new Paisley Studio logo that will grace my blog, business cards, and etsy shops.  Let's hope she procrastinates less than her mother does.

Personally:  I am going to read more.  Pete used tell people I read too much.  There were weeks when i'd finish two or three books.The renovation took care of that, too.  The only time I had to read last year was right before I fell asleep.  I was so tired and stressed out that I fell asleep fast.  It would take me weeks to read a short novel.  I'm going to make time every afternoon to sit down and enjoy a good book.  The first one finished this year: The Music Room by William Fiennes.  It's a lovely memoir.  Fiennes recounts his childhood growing up in a castle with his epileptic brother. 

So that's it for me this year . . . .what are your resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, Happy New Year! I wanted to let you know that your resolution post inspired me to challenge myself this year to become a more accomplished spinner and knitter. I even made a blog about it if you want to check it out.
    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2010!
