Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Winter Treat

I love Grenfell rugs.  I love the clean, modern look of them and the immaculate, evenly hooked rows of old stockings.  They are my all-time favorites.  I am lucky enough to own two of these prized specimens of Canadian handwork.  One, a map of Newfoundland,  I won on eBay nearly a decade ago.  The other, two sailors in a boat, is a new auction prize.  I wasn't in the market for another old mat, but when I saw it I couldn't control my bidding finger.
 For more information of the mats of the Grenfell Missions, read Paula Laverty's wonderful book, Silk Stocking Mats: Hooked Mats of the Grenfell Mission.  You can visit her website here: Grenfell Hooked Mats


  1. I love the mat with the boat....have never seen one like that before...beautiful...and modern!

  2. Can see why you fell for it..NICE
