Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Kaffee Klatch Kompanion

Because my friend Susan did not travel to St. John with us this week, I have been forced to adopt  a new companion for my daily Kaffee Klatch.  I don't know his name, but he is quite handsome and personable.  Susan will be appalled -- she probably hates iguanas as much as she hates guinea hens, another creature I am very fond of.  Have no fear Susan, I'll be back soon and we will once again klatch at Aldo's!

We are enjoying our vacation, soaking up the sun, snorkeling a lot, and eating good food.


  1. Oh Sarah you lucky duck! I so need the sunshine and warmth!!! Have a great time.

  2. You're right---iguanas--yikes! Just glad it's not a closeup of the guy. I do love to see the pictures of your vacation down there in the warm sun---enjoy it you guys!
