Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in Greenport

Thanks to the kindness of my friend Barbara, Peter rode the magnificent Mackinac, a Tennessee Walking horse, in our local Memorial Day parade.  He's been up to the farm to take riding lessons a few times and felt ready to brave the crowds. 

Here he is coming:
and going:

Barbara's husband Ron lent Pete his cowboy hat and helped saddle up Mac and his brother Star.

Barbara rode Star.  (Star is Clara's soul mate.  Barbara's been kind enough to teach Clara how to ride, too.)
Here are some other scene's of Memorial Day in Greenport -- small town life at its best! 

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for giving me a taste of home! It was great too to see our friends Ron and Barbara! Beautiful weekend! Kim

  2. You were right we should have come out for the parade---look at Pete! He looks like he knows what he's doin' in the hat and on Mac!

    Thanks to Barbara (and Ron!) too!
