Friday, June 4, 2010

Some Rug hooking . . . Finally

Seems like forever since I've posted about rug hooking.  Life has been full of graduation and gardening.  I want to get the yard in shape now that the renovation is complete.  We are having a party in a few weeks to celebrate all the good things that happen this June: Clara's graduation from college, her 22nd birthday, and our 25th anniversary.  (I wanted a cruise down the Nile, but Pete thinks I'm kidding.  I'm not!) So the yard and the house need to be in tip top shape.

I have been working on a rug -- forever!  I am finishing a rug for my lovely friend Lucille, who cannot hook anymore.  I posted about it over a year ago -- listed it as one of my ufos.  I struggle to hook other people's patterns.  I don't know why I find it so difficult.  And to finish a partially hooked rug is almost worse.  I hook much tighter than Lucille, so I re-hooked a lot.  She didn't have enough wool for all the elements or the background, so I had to match that as best I could and integrate it into what was already hooked, which meant ripping and re-hooking once again.  It is nearly finished now, and I think she will be pleased with it -- even though it is a year late!  I cannot wait to hook one of my own new designs again!

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