Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tomato Time

We're enjoying these last few weeks of summer, especially because our tomatoes are ripening rapidly.  We are eating them every day and every way imaginable -- stuffed with pesto as hors d'oeuvres, in pasta (you have to try The Silver Palate's Linguine with Tomatoes, Basil and Brie), Insalata Caprese, and, of course, the ever popular BLT.  My favorite tomato is the Brandywine (the largest one in the picture above).  It is an heirloom tomato, a rosy pink-y red, rather than orange-y, like a Big Boy.  They grow large -- I had one that measured 4 x 6 inches -- and are as sweet as can be. 

We've been visiting with lots of friends.  Our former across-the-street neighbors rented a house on the water in Orient for the month.  We dined on tomato tart and salade nicoise, then sat on the bluff and watched the sun set over the Sound as a seal dove for it's dinner. 

Next, our old friend David arrived from Atlanta to spend some time with us before heading off to Rome.  He inspired us to visit some of the local wineries.  Our favorite was Croteaux, both for the wine as well as the ambiance.  It is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon and the wine -- all roses -- are delightful.  We bought their sparkling wine to have with our appetizers that night.

We had another marvelous dinner with our friends at Widows Hole Oysters looking over Greenport Harbor.  Mike made roasted black sea bass which we followed with Isabel's peach and raspberry pie.  Then our neighbor Kai celebrated his seventh birthday in style: pizza and chocolate cake.  Yum.  It's been one celebration after the other --  a fun way to head into fall.

This will be the first fall in 20 years that I have not had to help Clara get ready for school.  It's slightly bewildering . . .   I always loved the choosing of new school supplies and clothes, and the structure the routine gave to our lives.   I find myself having to look at the calender a lot, because I don't know what day it is.  That will all change soon, since my first show of the year is on September 18 and 19: the Hallockville Fall Festival.  Although I've been working steadily over the scalding hot summer, thanks to central air conditioning, I will be revving up my work schedule as our five big shows of the year approach.  I'll be posting the show locations and dates as they approach so you can visit Barb and me in our booth.  In the meantime, it is back to work for me!

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