Monday, September 20, 2010

Harvest Time at Hallockville

I shared a booth with Barbara the Basket Maker this weekend at the Hallockville Fall Festival.  It wasn't the place to sell expensive hand-hooked rugs and hand-made baskets, but Barbara and I had a good time none the less.  The weather was glorious both days.  We were able to visit with lots of friends and lots of dogs.  It was a canine connoisseur's dream!  We saw three weimaraners, miniature schnauzers, Portuguese water dogs, tons of bichons, maltese, and yorkies, a really regal German shepherd, Darla, a petit chocolate colored Doberman pinscher who couldn;t be loved or petted enough, lots of Jack Russells, golden retrievers, a keeshond who was losing its hair, and a 2 month old Pomeranian Yorkie mix named Foxy, who looked like a little fox.  Our favorite pettable guest, however, was Fraggle, a 4 month old gray French Angora rabbit, who just snuggled up to whoever was holding him and was as soft as soft can be.  Made me want another bunny . . .
It was a lot of work and not much money, but I always have a good time at Hallockville, and I always have a good time with Barbara, so the weekend was worth the effort.  Now I am gearing up for the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival, my favorite show of the year, on October 16 and 17.

Here are a few more shots of out booth on Saturday.  We moved the wagon and Barbara's hanging ghoulie on Saturday to open things up a bit.  My sister Barb sent some of her Halloween goodies, as did Barbara's friend Patty from Michigan, who does lovely counted cross stitch.