Julia commented about the wool in yesterday's photographs. The first couple of pictures feature our booth at the Long Island Fleece and Fiber Fair. The hand-dyed wool in the grid boxes on the table is my sister Barb's wool and it is for sale. She also made those cute little creatures displayed on the back table. She has a couple of places you can go to purchase her stuff. Her company name is thimblefolk (lower case t): just click on the following links to get to her stuff. She has an etsy shop under that name: thimblefolk on etsy Barb and I share an eBay store under my company name: thepaisleystudio on eBay, and you can buy her wool there. Lastly, you can view her critters on her PictureTrail album: Barb's Folk Art.
When I talked to her this morning, she said she is starting to think Halloween. Christmas won't be far behind!
Thanks for the tour of your store. You and your sister are very creative. I love the name you call your studio. JB