Monday, January 30, 2012

What I'm Working On

This is "Whale of a Tale," designed by Bonnie Smith and Tina Ackerman, from a class our guild sponsored last summer.  I am just getting back to hooking on it. It's going incredibly fast.  In one week, I hooked the sky, most of the whale and the waves on the right.  I rarely (really never, except for this) hook other people's patterns -- I never seem to finish them.  And I couldn't resist making some changes -- I moved the moon and created swirls in the sky that were inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night (although these look nothing like his swirls . . . . )  I felt that since there was such a large expanse of sky it needed a little something to keep it interesting.  I'm liking it, except for those two parallel racing stripes, which I will change.  There's less of a contrast than the photo indicates . . . 

I hooked Jonah last summer, using some old paisley.  I am thinking his robe is not flashy enough now and I may change it.  I've also thought of giving him a peg leg and calling him Ahab, since the whale is white . . . The whale is hooked with my favorite light background, which is actually a little more yellow than the photographs make it appear.  

I should really set this aside again, and get started on hooking samples of new patterns, but I'm on a roll and its going so quickly.  I'll post my progress periodically.


  1. Love the dark dramatic night sky against the white white whale!

  2. Thanks, Alice! He's muddier than the photos show . . . wish I took better pics . . .

  3. I love the swirly sky and waves! I have plans to hook something.... but still have not found the time... someday. ;)

  4. I love it all! That is going to be one striking rug! The sky is wonderful!
    Cathy G

  5. It looks great so far! I'm really jealous :)

  6. I love your SKY!!!!! I can't wait to see it in person!

  7. Wow Nice Design and the color looks goo also i love it so much!

    Ayala Project

  8. Wahoo! It looks awesome! So excited you are working on it! Big Hug to you!
