Monday, April 30, 2012

Report from Fairfield

What may be the last Fairfield-Grace Rug Show -- after 52 years - has come and gone.  Its sad to see it end.  This was the very first rug show I ever attended, back when I first started hooking 22 years ago.  I met a wonderful woman on Saturday named Joan who has attended 51 of the 52 rug shows sponsored by the church!  My pins were a big hit this year, so I gave one to Joan to commemorate all her years of service to the church and to the rug show. 

As I was saying goodbye to everyone, I heard a rumor that the ever enthusiastic Michele Micarelli (who's looking really great these days!) is going to try to come up with a way to save the show from extinction.  If anyone can do that, its Michele.

I was a bit too busy to take many photographs, but I did get a few.  Nancy Gallagher hooked many of these.  I'd like to meet her -- she is perhaps the most prolific hooker ever.  I am partial to the black, white, gray and red rug below.

I loved this trout and the striped bass hooked by Brenda Andersen of Black Bear Primitives.  She also hooked a large and fabulous Halloween rug featuring a skeleton that I didn't get a pic of.

Here's a few photos of our booth -- which was actually a whole room, so we were rather spread out.

And here's a yard of wool I bought from Nancy Jewett of Fluff and Peachy Bean, who loves color even more than I do!  This is called Teal Forest, but it makes me think of the Caribbean.  I don't often buy wool from other people, because I dye my own, or have my sister Barb dye it for me, but this piece was calling to me across the hallway.

This runner was hooked by Nancy de Michele, one of our favorite customers.  She hooked two of my patterns -- Juggling Jack and Juggling Cat -- added a center piece and turned it into a runner! 

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