Sunday, October 7, 2012


September slipped by me somehow.  Suddenly the shadows are longer and come much earlier in the day.  The garden is waning and the evenings are chilly.  I spent too much time in the studio last month, what with three shows in three weekends.  I decided to take some time off to enjoy the last vestiges of of nice weather.

Pete was sailing in the Whitebread race around Shelter Island yesterday, so I headed out by myself  to St. Peter's Harvest Festival.  They always have a fabulous yard sale.  I wasn't early enough to score a set of really sturdy tomato cages, which we could use in the garden.  (Pete tied our tomatoes up with some jute twine this year and it rotted so quickly the tomatoes ended up on the ground), but I did get a tin of old plastic buttons for $2 -- most thrift stores are selling them for lots more than that since people started using them for crafting.

They aren't Bakelite -- not nearly that old -- but they are fun colors.  I particularly like this pink one -- it reminds me of Depression glass.

After the sale I took a trip out to East Marion to Sep's farm stand.  I wanted some fresh corn for supper and some tomatoes, since ours are long gone.  I bought some beets, too, since Pete didn't plant any this year.  They had enormous heads of cauliflower and broccoli and cabbage on sale for only $1.  I may go back today and get some to stick in the freezer.

Later in the day I baked Pete's favorite cookies -- Molasses Crinkles -- and scrolled through my blog list while sitting in the sun on the sofa in the living room.  Took a snooze.  It was a lovely day -- rejuvenating.  

This morning I am back in the studio -- aka the dungeon -- finishing up the Father Christmas mat.  The temperature dropped last night and storm clouds are rolling in.  Our plans for cleaning up the yard may have to be postponed.  Oh, drat.

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