Saturday, November 3, 2012

I'm Hooking Away

It's a beautiful day here -- sunny and crisp.  I sat down and made myself hook yesterday and my worries melted away.  So many people are so worse off.  It's important to keep things in perspective -- that keeps you from feeling sorry for yourself.  Sorry for whining yesterday.


  1. Sara,
    No apologies necessary. Here in the midwest, we had nothing from hurriane Sandy, but just watching the news and seeing all of the devastation and knowing that there are people out there hurting puts many of us "out of sorts". I do find that hooking is very soothing to the soul.

  2. Sarah, I'm glad that hooking is melting your worries away. It sure can make the time pass quickly and take your mind off your troubles.

    Sandy was a monster of a storm and I hope that in went out in a puff of mist never to return.
    I hope that you weekend will be restful.
