Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fumbling through February

I've been plodding through the last few weeks.  So much snow, so much cold, so many health issues for people I care about.  My father-in-law was hospitalized last week and is now in a rehab center until they can arrange home health care.  At 96, problems are not unexpected.  Still, we worry.  A friend needs surgery, another was diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma  . . .  bad news is arriving on a regular basis and I don't like it.  

I find myself wishing for a trip to the tropics.  I would love a dose of sultry air and salty sand.  I want to feel the trade winds blow while I float lazily in the waters of Cinnamon Bay . . .  Sadly, I don't see that happening.  My friends Sally and Sue are sailing into the sunset soon with the Searsport Rug Hooking cruise.  When they told me about it months ago I considered joining them, but thought Pete and I might make it back to St. John this year.  I don't think that is going to happen. I'll have to resort to daydreaming . . . 

Cinnamon Bay


  1. A vacation would be great right about now. I'm sick of winter and would love a week with no responsibilities. Ahhh, just dreamin!

  2. I'm also feeling the tug of a vacation and this February has been a bit of a downer for me. I've been feeling blue and I have a hard time shaking it off. I've visited blogs on google reader and only left a few comments here or there when I knew someone needed some uplifting but it's hard to uplift friends when one need uplifting too.

    I'm sorry about all the health issues around you and hope that it will soon all come to pass. Hang in there. Too bad that you missed that opportunity to go on that hooking cruise.
    Hugs, JB
