Friday, June 7, 2013

Eastern Long Island Quilters Guild Quilt Show

The ELIQG quilt show -- in its 32nd year -- will take place this Saturday and Sunday at the Riverhead campus of Suffolk Community College.  This year's theme is "Handmade from the Heart."  Barb and I will be vending there for the first time.  Actually, it is our first time vending at any quilt show.  We think there may be some crossover between the two crafts.  In my mind, quilters and rug hookers are kindred spirits.  I know that I will never be a quilter the way I am a rug hooker, but I vowed long ago to make at least one quilt in my lifetime.  (And, yes, I have started it -- just the cutting, not the piecing.)  And I love quilts, even though I am not a maker of them.

So come on out to Riverhead and join us this weekend.  Looks like it will be rainy and cool -- not beach weather at all.  Click here for more information: Eastern Long Island Quilt Guild

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, It would be nice if I live more handy to Long Island because I would be there in a heart beat.
    I'll just have to content myself to see pictures of the show.

    Too bad that the weather is not cooperating but on the other hand, it somewhere people can go to get away from the rain.since they can't go work outside or play at the beach.

    I hope that you get a good attendence and that you sell a lot.
