Monday, June 24, 2013

Quiet Corner Rug Show

We had another successful rug show on Saturday up in the Quiet Corner of Connecticut.  We love this show held at the Woodstock Fairgrounds.  It's a nice drive, meandering through the farm fields in the eastern part of the state, and the people are so helpful and sweet.  This year, Quiet Corner Rug Guild member Kathleen Herbert spoke about her collection of antique rugs, including several Waldoboro and Frost rugs, and even a couple of Grenfells.  I wanted to take them all home with me.

I am getting lazy about taking photographs, relying solely on my phone these days, so I apologize;  I have to get back in the swing of things.  Here are a few snapshots of the day, which was sunny and warm.  Summer is really here.

Nancy Jewett's beautiful wall of wool

The basket of flowers on the bottom is one of my designs, hooked by Betsy Engel

Our booth

Another view of our booth


  1. Wow, so much beautiful wool in one place.
    I'm so glad that your show went well. Your design is beautiful and it must rewarding seeing the rug hooked by someone else.

    Have a good summer Sarah.

  2. It was great to have you at the show! --Betsy E
