Monday, July 8, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

Cairo does not want to move off the couch.  It is just too hot.  We take a short walk early in the morning, then high tail it back inside.

We had a fun-filled 4th of July, despite the heat.  Pete and I took the canoe out to Hallock's Bay and paddled out to his favorite clamming spot.  It was hard work, but well worth it!  We had a feast for dinner -- a pot luck with our cross-the-street neighbors,  We provided clams on the half-shell and an antipasto platter and they brought grilled summer squash, mussels and oysters which we grilled with a little lime, oregano and olive oil.  I made some lemon-lime basil shortbread for dessert with a perfectly ripe Tuscan melon.  I ate too much.

I forgot it was our friend Seth's birthday on the third, so on Friday I whipped up his favorite pie: lemon meringue.  Oy.  Not my favorite -- meringue is too sweet for me and there's too many steps involved.  But he liked it, and that's what matters.

Tonight we are cooking up the last of the sugar snap peas from the garden as well as the first of the zucchini.  It won't be long before our tomatoes come in.  

I am working on another children's rug for a fellow who has an online children's shop.  The website just went live with the bunny rug I hooked for him, so we'll see what comes of it.  This one is a robot, geared for boys.  It's mighty cute, if I say so so myself.  I've also been needle felting some pumpkins for the fall shows.  As hot as it is right now, Barb and I have to think about pumpkins and Santas so we'll be prepared for the fall selling season.

1 comment:

  1. Now that a feast that I'm sorry I wasn't part of. That lemon meringue pie looks might good. My daughter make them from scratch and they are irresistible. I just use the Jello Lemon pie filling mix.

    Thinking of pumpkins and a cool Santa in July isn't all that bad. It will all be here in the blink of an eye.,

    Hope your week goes well.
