Saturday, September 21, 2013

Maine Seacoast Mission

Several months ago I read an article in Antiques magazine about the rugs of the Maine Seacoast Mission.  (You can read the article, written by Judith Burger-Gossart here.  It's a pdf file with lots of great old photos and really worth reading.) The Mission, located in a gorgeous 1920s mansion in Bar Harbor, Maine, is hosting an exhibit of these special rugs as well as a collection of Grenfell mats.  So Pete and I packed up the car and headed to Maine on Tuesday, stopping in Connecticut to pick up my sister Barb.

Like the Grenfell Industries in Newfoundland, the Maine Seacoast Mission was created in 1905 to aid residents on  Maine's isolated islands.  The mission began a rug program in 1923, under the guidance of Alice Peabody,  that ran until 1930.  The rugs are often of landscapes or seascapes, and the loops are often clipped to produce a velvety texture.  They are charming, and to see them hanging in this beautiful house was a real treat.

The amazing front door was curved

Mission rugs in the parlor

I love this mat.  The maker did such a great job with perspective, using shading so carefully

Another favorite of mine.  This one is attributed to Henrietta Ames of Matinicus.  It is of the Mission's boat, the Sunbeam, 1926

The Mission's label
A collection of Grenfell treasures, including purses and a book cover
Grenfell mats in the dining room, from the collection of Paula Laverty

I have seen many Grenfell rugs -- I even own a few -- but this is the first time I've seen these fish.    I love the graphic quality of it.

Of course, a trip to Maine is not complete without eating a little lobster, so we stopped at Young's Lobster Pound in Belfast for lunch.  Delicious!

We spent the next night in Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire, so we could hit the Dorr Mill Store first thing,  Barb and I stocked up on supplies for our fall shows -- so if you are needing some linen or beautiful wool, just give us a call!

Almost forgot:  We drove through Arcadia National Park, too.  So beautiful -- and the weather was perfect!


  1. What a nice trip Sarah, How sweet it must have been to visit the Door Mill and getting lots of beautiful wool. Having lobster always must have been like the icing on the cake. I'm glad that you had a great time.
    Thanks for sharing some of the rugs on your post.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. It sounds like a perfect time. and to end up at dorr wool is just the best.
