Monday, October 21, 2013

First Ever Country Living Magazine HOLIDAY BAZAAR!!!!

Barb and I just heard, on the eve of the all-consuming Sheep and Wool Festival, that we have been accepted to vend at the newest Country Living Magazine Fair.  Here's the scoop:

Join us at The Country Living Fair's Holiday Bazaar in Tarrytown, New York, indoors on the grounds of the historic Lyndhurst Mansion, December 6-8, 2013. We promise great holiday shopping, book signings, and a chance to meet the editors!  Friday, 12 -6, Saturday, 9-6, Sunday, 10-5.

I am so excited!  We will not be doing the Wilton Historical Society Show this year because of a scheduling conflict (we will be at the Fiber Festival of New England that weekend), so I am tickled pink to have another top notch venue to sell our stuff.  If you've never been to Lyndhurst, it is a castle that sits high on the bluffs overlooking the beautiful Hudson River, right next to the Tappan Zee Bridge.  Its the perfect setting for a Christmas show.  Mark your calendars!


  1. Congratulations on this exciting event. I'm glad that you've been chosen to be a part of this Special Holiday Bazaar.
    All the best to you.

  2. enjoyed your blog. I am at http://stephaniesyarn/
