Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Winter. Humph.

We made a good showing at the Fiber Festival of New England this past weekend, especially considering it is a relatively new show (4 years old) and relatively small.  I think it will grow and expand and it is good to be a part of that.  Here are some bad pics of set up.

When we set up on Friday it was about 70 degrees and humid in Springfield.  When I woke up at home yesterday it was 30 degrees.  It's also Daylight Savings time, the stupidest idea ever.  I'm not happy.  I can't stay awake at night, I'm up before 5, and I don't know what the heck to wear.

My next adventure is this weekend.  I am teaching a rug hooking class at Farmhouse Quilt Company in Southold, New York on Saturday.  This is run by Janet Heins and her daughter Lindsay.  We met years ago at a craft sale at her son's grade school and became reacquainted at the Eastern Long Island Quilt Show this past June.  Janet is in much demand as a long arm quilter.  I hear her shop makes grown women drool, so I am looking forward to our day together.  I've made up a few extra kits, so if you want to join us, give Janet a call at 631-236-6030.  You have a choice of two kits -- Eggs and Farmhouse Star, which I designed just for this class.  I think we'll have a lot of fun.


  1. Sarah we can't wait til tomorrow!!! Your work is beautiful and we are all excited to learn to be "hookers"! I love the Star, it will look great in my shop!! See you tomorrow! Janet

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