Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Sunday

Lazy Sunday here in Greenport.  Looks like it will storm soon.  We're short on rain this year, so it is welcome.  

I seem to be stuck in vacation mode, even though we haven't gone on vacation yet!  We've been swimming a lot -- nearly every day.  What a joy.  We're lucky to be able to walk a block and dive in.  Pete's garden is starting to produce lots of produce, so we are eating well.  Some nights we just eat what he picks --  zucchini, cooked on the grill, or green beans sautéed in olive oil with a little garlic.  Delicious.

I was inspired to try my hand at homemade ricotta cheese -- recipe courtesy of Julia at Of Petals and Wool.  I even bought raw milk to do it.  It's easy and delicious, although the raw milk cost a small fortune.  Julia has a dairy farm, so she has a lot of raw milk at her disposal!  Thanks for the inspiration, Julia!

I'm going to spend the afternoon reading on the porch, listening to the rain.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hi Sarah, I'm so glad that you tried your hand at making Ricotta cheese. It's sinfully easy. Yes, I'm lucky to have our own raw milk.

    Here in Canada, we are not allowed to sell raw milk anymore. Although I'm sure some sell it to a select few. There can be stiff penalty and even jail time for offenders who sells or gives away raw milk.

    On my second batch I turned my back for a few minutes and the thermometer went above 200 degree F. and it made my Ricotta cheese more grainy so I'll watch my thermometer more carefully. I made some Salmon & Ricotta quiche with this one. The cheese melted just like the first batch.

    I hope that you take your summer easy. I wish I could although I'm taken some chunk of time off to be at the computer.

