Friday, July 10, 2015

I Need a Vacation from My Vacation

Pete and I are back home again after a week in Seattle helping our daughter and her partner renovate their new condo.  We spent a week working all day, every day, often into the night -- painting, tiling, going to the dump, shopping at Home Depot, painting some more.  We weren't able to do it all -- they are working on the flooring this weekend -- but we made a big dent in it.  It was fun, but exhausting.  We aren't as young as we used to be.

The Sagres on the right, the Kalmer Nyckle center, taken from the deck of the Hermione
Seattle was hot and sunny -- we could see Mount Ranier every day.  We took one day trip down to Olympia to have lunch with Pete's oldest brother and went to a berry farm and a place that smokes salmon.  We walked Lucy, Clara and Josh's rescue dog, ate in a few really great restaurants, and did I mention that we painted . . .  a lot?

We got home at 1:30 last Thursday morning, slept a little bit, then prepared for house guests for the 4th of July weekend, which was also the weekend the Tall Ships came to our little village of Greenport.  There were six in all: the Kalmer Nyckle, the Sagres, the Lynx, the Picton Castle, the A.J. Meerwald, and the Hermione, a replica of Lafayette's ship.  It was a pretty spectacular site, these six ships in our harbor.  The village closed off the streets.  There was music and food and fireworks for four days straight.  Pete and I were still struggling with jet lag, but pushed our way through it.
Lafayette checking his cell phone

The guests and the boats left Monday and on Tuesday I led open hooking at the Farmhouse Quilt Company.  Are you surprised that I fell asleep in a chair when I arrived home?  Luckily, we had lots of left overs and I didn't have to cook.
The Hermione

We are getting back to our normal routine now.  I am hoping for a weekend full of sun and swimming.


  1. Oh my Sarah... I'm tired just reading this. I think that you need a relaxing vacation with no painting or panting...
    Enjoy the summer. It will be gone in a blink of an eye.

  2. Hi Sarah, Thank you for the mention in your blog post. I loved meeting you at your booth and now we can IG each other! I was able to blog about my experience at the Green Mountain Rug Hooking School in June. I learned a lot and met a lot of nice hookers. Love the copper pots, they are in great shape! Someday I'll polish my copper hood and put on IG. You live in a really nice town, would love to visit it sometime. Been watching your Etsy shop, glad you're back to it. Ebay rates are killing me. Must try something different, maybe use the blog site for selling more.
