The daffodils are up, the forsythia is in bloom, and the robins are collecting bits and bobs and building their nests. We have two mourning doves that are setting up shop on our pergola in the twists and turns of the wisteria vine. Spring is here! And so are the springtime fiber festivals.
This mug rug will be available at the Connecticut Sheep & Wool Festival |
The 108th Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival is a mere two weeks away. Sponsored by the Connecticut Sheep Breeders Association, it is located at the Tolland Agricultaral Center on Route 30 in Vernon, Connecticut. Saturday, April 29, 2017, 9 am to 4 pm. Barb and I will be in the green building, which is pretty faded unless they've repainted it since last year. We are listed in the program under Barb's business name, thimblefolk. For more information and directions go to:
CT Sheep & Wool
I may be making up a kit for this little sachet. |