Pete and I are just back from our local Memorial Day Celebration on the village dock (I wrote about it last year on the blog I share with my sister Barb, Hallowed Hill Primitives. You can read that post here).

We have had the most glorious weekend -- blue, blue skies, no clouds, and warm southerly breezes off the water. We rode our bikes to town, which is sort of a necessity once the tourists arrive for the season -- there's no place to park until after Labor Day.) It is great to chat with neighbors while we wait for the veterans and the scouts to arrive from the war memorial at Steamboat Corner.
After the ceremony we stopped to watch a very happy fellow who caught a striped bass right before our eyes. He'll have a good dinner tonight. Pete and I will head back into the village for supper tonight and stroll along the boardwalk like the tourists. . . I hope all of you enjoy yourselves this weekend, too.