Brussels sprouts in the snow
Another ten inches of snow last night! We went to bed listening to the sleet pinging off the bedroom windows like bbs. The phone woke us at 5:15 -- the local school has an automated phone system for school closings and they keep calling us -- even though our daughter hasn't been a student there for ten years! They called again at 6:00 and at 6:30 . . . Needless to say, the school is getting a call from me tomorrow when they reopen.
Hallock's Bay, Narrow River Road in Orient
The sun broke through this morning, but only for a little while. Pete shoveled -- my back is funny today (how convenient, huh?) -- so Cairo could go out and play. Not. He hightailed it right back in the house, the little ninny.
Picnic, anyone?
The one good thing happening right now -- my jasmine is flowering. It fills the whole house with its scent. Just lovely. If I close my eyes, I feel like I'm someplace exotic. Yeah, right. I can't wait for spring.